Entertainment Media Ratings


This is a search page. I created this search page to demonstrate some of my web application development skills. It searches data in a database, specifically a MySQL database.

I needed a whole bunch of data to use for this, but it didn't matter very much what kind of data. Years ago, I used to spend a lot of time consuming electronic entertainment media (TV, movies, music, video games). Back then, I made a list of most of them and gave each a rating based on how much I liked it. I decided to use that as the data for this database because it was readily available. It's evidence of my misspent youth.

Click the 'Show All' button to show all the items in the database, without filtering any out. To see only specific results, type search terms into the 'Search' box and click the 'Filter' button. You can also filter by specific category(s), ratings, and/or genres by selecting them. Multiple of each can be selected at once.


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