This game is © 2025 David Hammerle. All Rights Reserved. You are granted permission to download and play for non-commercial, personal use only. No redistribution or commercial exploitation is permitted. For any other use, please contact
This is a very simple card game that is played using a normal deck of playing cards, but each rank (but not suit) represents a character with a different way of calculating its battle power depending on the current circumstances. I think the main flaw with this game is that at the beginning of the game no one really has any information, so it is easy to either get lucky and attack a bunch of Necromancers which have very low battle power at the beginning of the game, or unlucky and attack a bunch of Gaians which have very high battle power at the beginning of the game. I only played this one a few times, with 2 and 3 players.
Player Count: This game may be played with any number of players, but 2-5 players probably works best.
Setup: This game is played using a normal deck of cards, but each card represents something different depending on its number (but not its suit). Each player gets 20 cards to divide evenly into 4 armies. This will probably require multiple decks of playing cards. Players can look at their cards, but not cards belonging to other players unless those cards have been in a battle, in which case they should be kept face-up. Cards that have not fought in a battle yet should remain face down.
Taking Turns: Players take turns choosing an army of theirs and an army of the enemy's to battle until only one player has armies left and that player wins. Turns pass to the left. After each player has taken a turn attacking with an army, a round passes. Each player must attack an army of a certain player depending on the round. On the first round, player's must attack the player on their left and on the second round player's must attack the player left of that player, etc. When the player would have to attack themself, instead they attack the player to their left and continue from there.
Each Battle: In each battle, each card in the 2 competing armies has a battle power which depends on the circumstances of the battle and is calculated according to the formula for that card in the card list. The total battle power for an army is the sum of the battle powers of the cards in the army.
Battle Results: The army with the higher total battle power wins the battle. The losing army is completely destroyed. The winning player must choose units from their winning army to die until the total battle power of the units chosen is more than the losing army's total battle power minus the unchosen winning unit with the highest battle power. So, essentially, the winning side suffers attrition equal to the losing side's battle power rounded down to the nearest card. After this, the winning army gains 1 card randomly from the top of the deck to be placed face down. The winning player may look at the new card, but the other players may not.
Team Play: This game can also be played with teams instead of free for all if playing with more than 2 players, in which case players can't attack allies and win whenever only themselves and their allies remain.
Adjusted Stats by Player Count: The stats for the Gaian, Necromancer, and Reviver assume that there are only 2 players. If there are more than 2 players, you'll need to multipy the stats of those 3 cards by 2 and divide by the total number of players (rounding to the closest whole number).
Extra Cards Variant: This game can also be played with 30 cards and 6 armies per player, but the card list needs to be adjusted to account for the fact that there are 3/2's as many cards by multiplying the stats of the Gaian, Necromancer, and Reviver by 2/3.
A Gaian - 4 * number of remaining living units
2 Necromancer - 7 * number of dead units so far
3 Pyromancer - 20 * number of enemies in battle + 10
4 Enchanter - 20 * number of friends in battle including self + 10
5 Channeller - 70 * number of friends in battle with BP>100
6 Veteran - 150 * number of battles won by this group
7 Warrior - 100
8 Lone Wolf - 310 - 50 * number of friends in battle including self
9 Duelist - 0.8 * highest single enemy unit's BP
10 Ravager - 130 if attacking, 60 if defending
J Reviver - 15 * number of dead units on your side so far
Q Crusader - 70 * number of enemy 2 necro, 3 pyro, 8 lone, 10 ravag in battle
K Corruptor - 70 * number of enemy 4 ench, 5 chan, J reviv, Q crus in battle
You'll just need one or more decks of normal playing cards that can be mixed together. Other than that, each player will need to be able to refer to the card list to see what each playing card represents.